Haitian artisans who work with sisal to create a variety of handcrafts are an important group of members in the CPCS Haiti family. Using, raw sisal fiber, locally available dyes and a variety of other materials, these artists create beautiful baskets, jewelry, Christmas ornaments, cell phone carriers and table decorations.
We are pleased to announce that their products are now available to anyone through our online store. This is more than just a “fair market” business. Every cent paid for these products returns to the artists and the

communities served by the cooperative. Here is how it works.
CPCS (Cooperative de Production et de Commercialisation de Sisal) purchases items from the artists, paying them a fair local price. The cooperative then has the products treated for exportation and pays for their shipment to its USA base. The items are then photographed, described for market and placed on the CPCS Haiti website for sale. When the item sells, 100% of the selling price returns to Haiti through the cooperative. Annually, the cooperative members decide how to use these profits. Some may be returned to the artisans and sisal producers on a pro rata basis. The cooperative may also decide to use some of its profits to support community development projects in its communities.
You can browse and buy these unique items in our store with the assurance that your purchase is a one-of-a-kind handmade item. You can also enjoy knowing that you have helped Haitian families feed, clothe, and educate their children. This cooperative has the goal of promoting sustainable commerce with sisal for the benefit of its members and the communities where they live.
Go to this link to browse and buy: CPCS Haiti Online Store